The project has participated in multiple outreach events. In the I CIMCIA congress organized by Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cautitlán of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the Transportate hacia el futuro con Robótica Disruptiva organized by DIMA research group and CEIMTUN-RAS.

Outreach events in engineering are crucial because they help to:1

Inspire the next generation of engineers: Outreach events provide an opportunity for young people to learn about the exciting possibilities and career opportunities in engineering. By showcasing the latest developments and breakthroughs in the field, these events can inspire the next generation of engineers.1

Increase awareness of engineering: Many people may not fully understand what engineers do or the impact they have on society. Outreach events can help to raise awareness of engineering and its importance in various industries, such as healthcare, transportation, and technology.1

Foster diversity and inclusivity in engineering: Outreach events can help to promote diversity and inclusivity in engineering by reaching out to underrepresented groups, such as women and minorities. By highlighting the diverse perspectives and experiences of engineers, these events can help to break down stereotypes and encourage a more inclusive and diverse workforce.1

Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing: Outreach events provide an opportunity for engineers to collaborate and share knowledge with each other and with the public. By bringing together experts from different fields and backgrounds, these events can promote innovation and advance the state of engineering.1

Overall, outreach events are an essential tool for promoting engineering and inspiring the next generation of engineers.1

The document published in the CIMCIA congress can be found here:

Plataforma SDV de huella reducida con LIDAR para microfábrica

News article about the participation in the Robotics Seminar

  1. Text Generated by ChatGPT, personal communication of OpenAI.  2 3 4 5 6