PWB Microfactory

This project presents the design of a Printed Wiring Boards (PWB) Microfactory scalable for space use.

Scalable for space

In space applications, such as orbital, or non-earth planetary enviroments, electronic equipment may fail, or new products, to satisfy inmmeadiate needs, such as solutions to fix elements in orbit, or fabricating machines on the moon. In this context, sending a 1kg - 10cm x 10cm x 10cm piece, can cost up to $10.000 USD, therefore costs of sending a spare board can be extremely expensive, and take too much time. Likewise, machines used traditionally for manufacturing like industrial CNC Milling machines, or Solder Masking coating machines, require big surface area and depend on gravity to execute their processes.


Microfactories, are small production plants at a reduced scale, which improve manufacturing flexibility for small batches. Given this process is done in a smaller area compared with the traditional one, the internal product transport system requires the least possible surface to execute it’s tasks. This concept seeks to minimize energy, waste and footprint generated by factories.

Printed Wiring Board (PWB)

Printed Wiring Boards, in comparison with Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), are boards with connections on the board, while PCBs contain electronic components soldered into it. PWB is the design substrate with no component fitted on it